Avec sa campagne «Are you OK?», Swiss Olympic et Swiss Sport Integrity attirent l’attention sur les situations qui, dans le milieu du sport, peuvent être éprouvantes ou blessantes. L’accent est mis sur la question «Are you OK?» et sur deux messages principaux: «Si quelque chose te semble anormal, informe-toi» et «Signaler un incident».
«Are you OK?» campaign
You train hard in your sport and constantly face new challenges on your way to reaching your goals. Along the way, you’ll run into situations that don’t always feel totally «right» or «wrong» – moments that fall into what we call the ‘grey area’.
Trust your instincts and ask yourself: «Is this OK to me, or does something not feel right?». Talking about bad experiences is not easy, but often discussing them with a trusted individual will help. If you discuss and consider the situation, you will often be able to find a solution together.
For example, you could talk to the following people close to you:
- Family, host family
- Friends, colleagues
- Teammates, coaches
- Sports doctors, psychological advisers, sports nutritionist, physiotherapists, massage therapists
- Club / association leadership
- Swiss Sport Integrity reporting service